April 28

Homeowner association


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– Some of the first HOAs formed early in the 20th century in Los Angeles County
– Examples include Arroyo Seco Improvement Association and Los Feliz Improvement Association
– Deed restrictions established legal precedent for zoning districts for upscale, single-family residences
– Early restrictions included minimum home construction costs and exclusion of non-Caucasians and non-Christians
– Postwar covenants excluded African Americans, Jews, and Asians in some cases

– HOAs are private associations formed in the U.S., Canada, and other countries
– Formed in buildings with multiple owner-occupancies or by real estate developers
– Developers transfer control to homeowners after selling a set number of lots
– Prospective residents must become members and follow governing documents
– HOAs are active in urban planning, zoning, and land use decisions

**Legal Framework:**
– Most HOAs are incorporated and governed by state statutes
– State oversight of HOAs varies, with some states having extensive HOA laws
– The Davis–Stirling Common Interest Development Act in 1985 impacted HOA regulations
– Canadian HOAs are subject to provincial regulations
– Common-interest developments (CIDs) are a growing form of housing in the U.S.

**Growth and Impact:**
– HOAs have become increasingly common in the U.S. since 1964
– In 2010, HOAs governed 24.8 million American homes and 62 million residents
– HOAs influence growth pace, quality of life, taxation levels, and land value
– HOAs are rare outside the U.S., though they exist in some neighborhoods
– HOAs are less common in Canada due to stringent provincial regulations

**Global Presence:**
– HOAs are uncommon outside the U.S.
– Some countries have homeowner associations in certain neighborhoods
– HOAs are integral to residential developments in the U.S.
– HOAs have been created in new subdivision developments in Canada
– CIDs, including single-family homes and condominiums, are growing in the U.S.

A homeowner association (or homeowners' association, abbreviated HOA, sometimes referred to as a property owners' association or POA), or a homeowner community, is a private association-like entity in the United States, Canada, the Philippines and certain other countries often formed either ipso jure in a building with multiple owner-occupancies, or by a real estate developer for the purpose of marketing, managing, and selling homes and lots in a residential subdivision.[original research?] The developer will typically transfer control of the association to the homeowners after selling a predetermined number of lots.

Generally any person who wants to buy a residence within the area of a homeowners association must become a member, and therefore must obey the governing documents including articles of incorporation, CC&Rs (covenants, conditions and restrictions) and by-laws, which may limit the owner's choices in exterior design modifications (e.g., paint colors). Homeowner associations are especially active in urban planning, zoning and land use, decisions that affect the pace of growth, the quality of life, the level of taxation and the value of land in the community.

Most homeowner associations are incorporated, and are subject to state statutes that govern non-profit corporations and homeowner associations. State oversight of homeowner associations varies from state to state; some states, such as Florida and California (see Davis–Stirling), have a large body of HOA law. Other states, such as Massachusetts, have virtually no HOA law.[original research?] Homeowners associations are commonly found in residential developments since the passage of the Davis–Stirling Common Interest Development Act in 1985. In Canada, homeowner associations are subject to stringent provincial regulations and are thus quite rare compared to the United States. However in recent decades, HOA's have infrequently been created in new subdivision developments in Alberta and Ontario.

The fastest-growing form of housing in the United States today are common-interest developments (CIDs), a category that includes planned unit developments of single-family homes, condominiums, and cooperative apartments.[relevant?] Since 1964, HOAs have become increasingly common in the United States. The Community Associations Institute trade association estimated that in 2010, HOAs governed 24.8 million American homes and 62 million residents. Throughout the rest of the world, homeowner associations—though they do exist in some neighborhoods—are uncommon.[original research?]


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